Gurmeet Sethi

Ex-NDA,Lt.Col (Retd.)from Corps of Engineers with 23 years of varied service. Heading PT Chandigarh since 1998 and trained more than 6000 students for top level B Schools (with more than a 100 to IIMs alone including 2008 CAT topper!).

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FIN TECH- The Emerging Sector

FinTech is an umbrella term that covers Technology based companies operating in Insurance, Payment , Asset Management etc. It has transformed Banking business by disrupting mammoth banks. Head hunters see a big shift of talent towards this emerging sector.
It is a booming segment with the opening of numerous Mobile wallet companies, NBFCs and now payment banks all running on robust digital platforms. De-monetisation has provided an unexpected and unbelievable fillip to this sector. These companies revolve around mobile user experiences and financial analysis.Professionals are expected to have a deep domain and design knowledge. With more than 117 million Indians using smart phones and over 160m  Internet connections, one can fathom the extent of opportunities that this sector is likely to provide to the Engineers with number crunching skills.Companies to be looked out for are, Scripbox, Mobikwik,Capital Float, M-Swipe, Citrus pay  etc.
BFSI firms are also hiring IT professionals and the tussle is on with basic banking internet transactions.Lending and personal finance will soon come under its ambit. Demonetisation has ensured that investor confidence shifts from sticky preferences such as gold, real estate or just plain cash handling.

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