Elisa/ Echo/Siri
are becoming common household names and the use of these gizmos being flaunted
by us as new found passport to be counted "In". During my last US
trip I wanted to buy Echo, when my brother (a Computer Science Professor
in US) cautioned me. "Do you wish to compromise on your bedroom privacy?"
The above is just to
illustrate as to how serious is the business of data mining, AI and
how relentlessly it is being pursued on naive and gullible consumers and more
than happy people waiting to flaunt their new found pastime. We are reckless,
more than eager to part with ,what we consider as info of no concern to
anybody. Could this be considered as "Recycling and mining from
Lets take a look at
Linked In! When you join, in the fine print they made us agree to a declaration
that says , " Any information submitted is at the user's own risk of
There are no
comebacks, no erasures or delete buttons! There are billions of Face Book
users who happily share their minute to minute details on the net.
This is the new
intelligence gathering mechanisms in today"s fight for
Reminds me of
the Trilogy written by Alvin Toffler, way back in 70's: Future Shock, The Third
Wave and The Power Shift ! Wish he was alive to see the next Shock,wave and the
power shift that has come faster than expected !
The new
revolution is - the Data revolution! Data is
Power and Power is Data!!
We are laggards in the
field of Artificial Intelligence, with maximum number of patents having been filed
by the Chinese. Companies such as Alibaba and Tencent, who have
been building data at a fast pace.
Crime and Terror are
the new face of our future wars! Hope this shall allow us to understand the new
doctrine and downsizing of the conventional war machine, both in size and
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