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Gurmeet Sethi

I conduct sessions. Many a time one on one counsellings to empower and equip graduates with knowledge, wisdom and information. To boost their morale and confidence. In case of a female client I am extra conscious to ensure I am not mis understood. I try sitting at a place , where I am visible before others. I am careful with my words, my tone and still better with my body language! If I find the prospect fluttering her eyelashes more than usual, or pushing her hair every now and then ,or holding the eye contact a split second longer, my heckles are raised!
Guilty? Scared or just paranoid?

Empowering Women is an agenda , which must be given the highest priority if we as a society are to progress. A woman empowered is an asset to the entire family, society and the nation. However, an Empowered woman misusing her position , status, privileges and respect accorded to her on the basis of her gender is the most deplorable crime and should be considered amongst the most heinous of acts .

Women, are known to have used gender to their advantage from early times. They have exploited their bodies to achieve the impossible. Topple Kingdoms, Governments, win favours and are conscious of the power that they command over men or male dominated eco system .Mata Hari and Anna Chapman, the Russian intelligence agent , media personality and model are all too well known. Prostitution is a trade born out of this. Education and Economic  freedom  have only added glamour and sophistication to this profession.

With such strong natural endowment, how much more empowerment and in what manner is it needed is a matter of  Sociological research. Being more empowered means having access to more opportunities, more privy to information , more knowledge of technology and advanced means of communication, more awareness of their own rights .

Empowerment is a double edged weapon, can be dangerous. Women could be used as a front line camouflage for ponzi schemes, embezzlements, bank and financial frauds, insider trading, smuggling etc. In fact, to safe guard women against such exploitation they were educated, but what does one do when they turn accomplice?

“Me Too” and sexual harassment at work places could be a ploy to be used to one’s advantage depending on the net outcome. Favours , promotions, gifts etc if convenient are readily accepted. There is no denial that men are predators , ever ready to exploit a situation. Threat of sexual misdemeanor, has been worn by women on their sleeves. The truth shall always remain a mystery depending on convenience. Many a reputation has been sullied and truth remains shrouded, as such shady adventures always are mysterious. CJI, Vice Chancellors of Universities, Ministers, Corporate honchos, Academicians and Artistes. None have been spared. Maybe the deals went awry!
The other day, a video surfaced on the social media, where a sophisticated damsel high on drugs, recklessly went about damaging cars on a busy thoroughfare. When confronted, dared the hapless public and the policeman on the spot to touch her. The drama raged , till police women could be summoned to book her.

White collared crime  is deceitful and intentional. Its breach of trust under the garb of outward respectability. A Woman University professor, once visited her husband in Mumbai posted as a Custom  Officer. She not only travelled with her two kids, but also insisted on taking her friends children along on the pretext of showing them Bombay. They travelled back by train, booked by upper class, with each child carrying his or her school bag behind their backs with strict instructions not to open them till they were home ! She sure would have raised a din , flashed her credentials, shed crocodile tears had some body dare to check or probe ! Such incidents are common .The higher status you enjoy in the society, the safer you are !!

Occupational fraud, on the other hand is deliberate misuse of one’s appointment, for personal enrichment through misapplication of resources at disposal. Not that men do not do it . Obviously , their numbers is many times more. But, feminine charm of women makes them smooth operators! Several bankers, judicial officers,  IT and enforcement executives have misused their positions .
Power corrupts, empowerment is seen in that light by many of them too! We have had several corrupt women leaders in our country who have woven an invincible cocoon around themselves. Indira Gandhi, Sonia, Jaya Lalitha, Mayawati , Rabri Devi and many others.

Our Armed forces, with just a few years into induction of women to some of the non-combative roles, has already faced a few court martial of being accused of sexual mis conduct . With the SC ruling, expect the figures to rise and the defence forces embroiled into their own quagmire.
Do we still feel women need reservation, laws for empowerment? On one side we talk of equal opportunities. Is’nt the Nari shakti , by itself potent enough? We want to make it omni potent ?
Ask the married men , how many of them wear the pants at home ? There is an entire tribe of them who run shit scared on hearing of being charged with domestic violence. Some genuine but many false as well!

I write this in peril of being labeled as a bloody MCP ( Male chauvinist Pig ) !!


Unknown said...

A very thought provoking blog highlighting the direct consequnces of empowerment.Nevertheless the potential of women has been exploited to the hilt, which is evident from the positions held by them in the top echelons of public life.
However,the misuse of their assets is akin to misuse by anyone which has to be dealt firmly in accordance to laws of the land.
Makes good reading , looking forward to more reads.
Col Vinay Mehta

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

all the different sides of same coins have been captured here. good read.

Unknown said...

Article on ' Women empowerment ' is technically sound, but the countries or companies ruled by women have consistently performed better in general.
R P Singh

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