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Attributes of a Good Trainer

ATTRIBUTES OF A GOOD TRAINER A person should possess following attributes to be called a good trainer:- 1. Ability to ‘read the room’ instantly, adjusting their content, presentation, dialect, tone, pace & language to suit each person they teach. 2. Ability to establish rapport instantly. 3. Ability to see the point of view through which their students see without judgement. 4. They do not need notes or props. 5. They don’t use jargon. 6. They don’t play games for the sake of games. 7. They have countless ways of explaining the same thing & continually look for more. 8. They have no need for nor do they seek the audiences approval or insist on laughing when they are not funny. 9. They know that making an event exciting or entertaining is not an end in itself but a byproduct of truly valuable interaction and learning. 10. They leave an event physically and emotionally drained and energized all at the same time. 11. They live their life off stage by a set of morals & ethics; than their own internal rules. 12. They create an environment for the student to ask the most uncomfortable questions. 13. They would leave the students impressed with themselves rather than the trainer. 14. They are more interested in results than in their reviews. 15. They respect skeptics & cynics and turn them into their best students. 16. They sell without ever selling and never resort to cheap tricks on “today only specials”. 17. If they had a bumper sticker on their car, it would read “I’d rather be teaching”.


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